According to the US Census Bureau, landlords file approximately 3.7 million eviction cases in a typical year—however, with COVID-19 in full force, the past year has been anything but typical.
That’s why it’s so important to know the guidelines that landlords and tenants must follow during the pandemic so that the law is satisfied.
Listen as a landlord and tenant attorney talks about COVID and how the rental environment has changed.
The eviction rankings by city
Are you living in an eviction-leading city? If you’re a landlord or tenant living in one of the following places, you’ll need to know what the law says about paying rent and the possibility of eviction.
The cities leading the country in evictions (according to 2016 data) include:
- North Charleston, SC (16.5%)
- Richmond, VA (11.44%)
- Hampton, VA (10.49%)
- Newport News, VA (10.23%)
- Jackson, MS (8.75%)
- Norfolk, VA (8.65%)
- Greensboro, NC (8.41%)
- Columbia, SC (8.22%)
- Warren, MI (8.08%)
- Chesapeake, VA (7.9%)
Florida as an example
First for landlords, the National Apartment Association advises contacting a Florida landlord and tenant attorney before beginning any eviction proceedings against a resident in the current environment “as overlaying federal, state and county laws or restrictions on the judicial process may apply.”
This includes any of the following actions:
- Notice to vacate
- Any eviction-related action
- Assessing fees or penalties for nonpayment of rent or lease violations
Working with a Florida landlord and tenant attorney will help all parties come to a sensible pathway to satisfying local, state, and federal regulations that govern renting or leasing activities during the pandemic.
Commercial landlords and tenants
Second, there are a variety of actions both landlords and tenants can take to lessen the blow of the pandemic and make things easier for both parties.
These may include:
- Review the commercial lease and determine if there’s any room for negotiation of rental amount or terms
- Explore government relief programs that may help both commercial landlords and tenants get through the pandemic
- Consider discussing the case with a landlord and tenant attorney to explore various financial solutions
When it comes to commercial parties navigating the COVID pandemic, cooperation is the name of the game.
Talented landlord and tenant attorney will evaluate your case
Finally, the Dishowitz Law team are experienced landlord and tenant attorneys who can help you navigate the complexities of renting in a COVID-19 environment—contact us for a no-cost, no-obligation review of your case.
National Apartment Association
US Census Bureau COVID-19 Site
About Dishowitz Law
Dishowitz Law provides counsel to hundreds of individuals, families, and businesses involved in complex legal disputes, including estate planning, probate, estate disputes, general litigation, and landlord-tenant law. For more information, call (855) 236-3474, email bdishowitz@sflalaw.com, or visit https://dishowitzlaw.com/contact/.